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Posts posted by Vashanti

  1. FROM



    State of the Union: 2157


    The United States of America comprises 64 states and 137 territories. Of these, nine states and 131 territories are extrasolar. Most off-earth territories consist of inhabited space stations and off-world colonies, each ranging in population from a few dozen to several million.




    The Bureau of Colonial Administration (BCA) is responsible for maintaining growth and order in the off-world territories. Territorial governors administer executive duties such as law enforcement and other governmental operations. Citizen advisory groups exist in most territories but until a territory achieves statehood no indigenous legislative bodies may be formed. Persons living in off-world territories are protected under the United States Code but many individual rights are subject to sharp limitations due to the extraordinary nature of off-world existence.




    The 2115 Simmons v. BCA Supreme Court decision established that the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 does not apply to off-earth territories due to the fragile nature of the governmental infrastructure and lack of immediate federal support. This ruling allows the use of military forces to maintain domestic order in these territories. Each territory is garrisoned by units of the Colonial Marine Corps. Unless otherwise tasked by the Department of Defense, these units are usually available to territorial governors to supplement local law enforcement when necessary. The marines are usually called upon to put down prison riots, insurrections, labor strikes, and other large scale instances of resistance to local authority.




    The primary purpose of the off-world territories is to expand the economic influence of the United States . Interstellar colonies are incredibly expensive to build and maintain. Planetary climate modification is often required and can take decades or even centuries to see fruition. These projects require trillions of dollars of investment and decades before a positive return on that investment is achieved. Establishment of an off-world colony is typically a joint venture between BCA and one or more corporations, with the BCA contributing most of the capital for the initial founding of the colony. The participating corporation is then granted an exclusive franchise to develop the resources of the colony, with the understanding that all exports must be channeled through the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC). This ensures that the fruits of the government

  2. GM had the setting idea be between Ep. IV & V, but the Death Star managed to destroy the moon of Yavin, and thus decapitate the Rebel forces...


    Luke & Han are still around, obviously, but our characters are a freighter crew which had been helping build the base on Hoth. Now, we're just drifting about waiting to be contacted..


    should be tons of fun!

  3. As long as it's done in a tasteful manner, it could prove to be very educational & help people appreciate each other, sociologically.


    Hopefully it's not done in a gaudy, exhibitionist style.


    I really liked many episodes of "30 Days," an original FX network show.




    Many episodes really let me see how things are in different cultural, religious, or socio-economic situations, and helped me understand & appreciate them more.


    Hopefully it will done in a similar manner. :wacko:

  4. I didn't get "de-briefed" this Valentine's Day ... we were too busy packing for her conference in Washington, D.C. to "strip our kit off," as the British say.




    Flowers, though, and some candy for her, although she was only going to have a day to enjoy them. :wacko:


    Hopefully they'll stay fresh in the refrigerator.



    EDIT: Yep, it's an American holiday, but not an official, "time off work," government-mandated holiday. February 14th.


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Valentine's_Day (detailed history there, here's an overview):


    "St. Valentine's Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional day on which lovers let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine's cards, which are often anonymous. The history of Valentine's day can be traced back to a Catholic Church feast day, in honor of Saint Valentine. The day's associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle Ages, during which the concept of courtly love, which had a large impact on the modern Western conception of love, was formulated.


    The day is now most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines". Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, the practice of hand writing notes has largely given way to the exchange of mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that, world-wide, approximately one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association also estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines."

  5. The "Handmaiden robe" glitch is very well known and overblown, heh, where you can keep taking it off her and she magically makes another one, allowing you to sell them infinitely. :)


    I think there are a couple of conversation loops where you can keep choosing an answer to gain light or darkside points.


    Pretty sure they fixed the Experience & DS point gain from the hole in the conversation with Hanharr.

  6. Yah, I really dug this episode.


    No new characters needed to be introduced or explored; the existing ones were suitably deep & rich to offer a very compelling and shocking storyline.




    In other words, Sawyer played them like a Grand Piano.

  7. I was pretty confused for a while about Locke's recent seemingly altered character, but then his explanation about blaming himself for Michael running off after he had taught him to shoot made sense.


    Also, I couldn't really fathom Locke beating Charlie up like that, until I thought about how crappy Locke's own childhood had been, and that perhaps he indeed has an overly protective instinct towards a baby.


    Still no Ana Lucia death yet. :ermm:

  8. Back in my day, "Industrial" and "Metal" were two different genres of music, and we liked it!


    There was no rap metal either (unless you count "I'm the Man," by Anthrax).


    /shakes his walker at the whippersnappers!

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