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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/19 in all areas

  1. Corey Lewandowski: The Mueller report was very clear. There was no collusion… no obstruction. Alisyn Camerota: That's not what the Mueller report said. Corey: It absolutely says that. Alisyn: Did you read the Mueller report? Corey: No, I never did.
    3 points
  2. I am not even sure what's the point OP is trying to make. Sony successfully twisted their arm into buying their junk because their exclusive games are simply too good to pass up, and since MS doesn't do that... they "don't care"? We don't know. He doesn't know, or care. So, again... the point? I never click on ktchong's videos, so it's possible the clip talks about something else entirely, but it still seems rather out of left field. After recovering from my initial confusion reading the post, this immediately came to mind:
    2 points
  3. Less then a month to go! Can’t wait https://youtu.be/8PHL026ULe4
    2 points
  4. totally agree, just finished 129hrs in turn-based mode, one run picked it up right away, was intuitive and rewarding, though there are advantages to real-time, I can fully appreciate and enjoy both styles ... which is not something I ever expected
    2 points
  5. Thanks for making it happen Obsidian. I beat Deadfire numerous times already on POTD but turn-based mode actually breathed new life to thegame for me and enjoying it immensely. It actually gave me incentive to get back to the game and I will do both expansions with it (havent done SSS and FS due to some performance issues my saves have been plagued my :() Anyways, looking forward to more games. Absolutely loving all the new additions, items, builds and how stuff that wasn't wanted in RTWP is very good in TB - looking at you ranger companion (they are fantastic in this mode) Anyways, much appreciated!
    1 point
  6. So.. whose more 'racist'? Trump or Trudeau? Trudeau is a turd. We all know if a Liberal lemming got caught doing this, Turdboy would have dumped them so fast. The guy is racist, sexist, Nazism, andti free speech, anti freedom, pure and evil . P.S. If Trudeau got his way, what I just wrote is worthy of me being inprisoned for a billion years. That is how anti free speech he is.
    1 point
  7. hardly. were not necessarily fbi. in fact, probable weren't fbi. were a leak to nyt, likely by admin. trump admin. even so, is a reason we left off manchester at end of our post "regardless, am thinking it would be foolish to assume trump can't be involved in the leaking o' vital intelligence... seeing as how similar has happened at least a couple times previous. if we know 'bout sub location snafu and the oval office blunder, is hard to imagine those were only such intelligence missteps by trump. both involved details." if removal o' manchester as certain helps, feel free to do so. we weren't wholly convinced either, which is why we left absent in closing. absence o' manchester doesn't change fact trump personal has divulged intelligence in the past. 'course blunt folks often miss forest for trees. am thinking we had this discussion a few posts previous. clear ain't making progress. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  8. I always like to write a little coda when I finish a game (especially if its one I kickstarted), helps order my thoughts. So, I finally finished my first proper playthrough. After the twenty-hours I spent on release (I was one of the backers) which I aborted until they'd fix the bugs, I ended up waiting until the final 5.0 patch before starting again. (I am EXTREMELY patient!) 183 hours logged, of which 163 were this playthrough. This makes Deadfire the second-longest RPG I have timed logged for (after Witcher 3's 215 hours). I played RTwP and on normal, because I am a terrible scrub! Now, illustratively, I started played this right after finishing off Divinity Original Sin 2 for the first time. A couple of comparisions spring to mind. By the end of both games, I had about had enough, and in both cases, found myself getting to but not qutie forcing myself to play to finish (so as not to have it unfinished nagging at me!) On the one hand long play = good value for money (since I rarely play games more than once or twice, and often years apart; Planescape Torment is remarkable in being one I have played about three-and-a-half times (and likely another one, since I DID buy the enhance edition!) On the other, it maybe slightly too much for my notorious gaming ADD in my old age. The other was that, while I always though I preferred RTwP because of those older games... I noticed fairly quickly that I was basically really only controlling two, or at most three, of the characters. For most of the game, my party was my single class Cipher Ascendant, Eder, Xoti, Aloth and Maia. I basically only controlled me, with a bit of Aloth and Xoti to use their spells and left the others almost entirely to their own devices. (It was not until this very last stretchm even, I started editing and futzng around with the party AI!) So, not unlike the old Black Isle games, in practice. Despite effectively having a party of of "casters" in the AD&D sense, I still only controlled half of them. I even play, on table-top, a hybrid of 3.5/PF for preference, wherein the non-casters do have a lot more to do. Yet that still happened. An interesting and illustrative lesson, for myself. I am left going "hmm, maybe turn-based has more draw than I thought." (Especially coming off D:OS 1/2, which I played back-to-back, which are arguably the best TBS RPGs i've played - I felt they got that mostly right.) I have Pathfinder: Kingmkaer to play, so it'll be interesting to see what I think on playing that. So I might, when I revisit (probably for an "Evil" playthrough, I have a tendancy to do "Good" first and then "Evil" once I can abuse the system better and it's not fresh and new), I might well try turn-based. That said, Ascendany Cipher was inordinate fun (and the cipher was so much fun the first game, I had me and GM!) and it's not quite a broken in TBS, so there is that! Especially since I was educated on Brilliant/Salvation of Time. (Mind you, that just meant that fight deteriorated to "get focus, Brilliant Xoti, Barring Death's Door everyone spam SoT." I actually found Vatnir useful as another sink (though in hindsight, he might have been better as a celebrant, than pure priest.) My cipher, like in the first game, horrendously out-damaged and out-killed everyone by miles, because I insisted on spamming Mind Blades, Amplified Wave and Disintegrate. I think I used all the powers I had at least once, though I only used Ringleader a couple of times in SSS, I think. (I loves me offence!) I virtually never used empower and once I picked up the Red Hand, I found I was incentivised NOT to rest, so I more or less never used any per-rest powers at all. (And, as usual, ended up with an inventory full of potions saved "just-in-case" that I NEVER use.) Heck, I never used any, I don't think, of the figurines. Ship combat was... Yeah. I tried, I really did, but when it became apparent that whatever I did, I couldn't change the orientation of the enemy ship to mine, I gave upo with it, which is na shame. I think if they had just done that, it would have been great. It wouldn't even have required all that much extra interface thsn they arleady had, just allowing you to move quadrants with the turning and sailign straight. When I realised that there was literally no point in trying any clever tactics like shooting the sails out and sailing to rake them with grapeshot from an angle the couldn't retaliate, I was very disheartened. You just can't do that sort of thing without SOME form of spacial component. They tried to cheat a bit with it and not do that; but like me when I try to not have to draw maps when I'm quest-writing because I have to crack open my CAD package, at some point you just have to; they didn't and all that work just went nowhere, which is a shame. I'm entirely neutral on the pirate setting-aspect; pirates don't especially do anything for me, but neither was it anything I actively dislike; it was what it was. So, like I said, I found the last stretch a bit... Not exactly boring, but less inspiring, once I'd hit max level. (I actually stopped and played Stardew Valley - which I bought half-expecting to play for an hour or two or at best as a time-killer - for more hours than I'd played PoE2 (ao about 140-odd), which is sort of despressing befoe I went back to it.) I paused, basically, having done everything but Beast of Winter and SSS. I ended up working through the last of those and trying to get everyone to max level. I did get everyone (including the two adventurers I made) to level 20 except Mirke, who for some reason was well behind everyone else, though I suspect that by the time she'd been alloted the XP from the end-game, she'd have made it too. So everyone even got a bit of time in the sun, in the end. I think it was a great idea to have the "recommended companion" and especially that the sidekicks got their time in the expansions. I only did one mega-boss, Belranga, in the end. I had one go hopelessly unprepared at Duragon, before going to look at strategies and such, but never bothered even going to look at the other two. (Normally, I'm such a damned completionist!) I probably could deal with the others in a simialr fashion. But, as I say, I was beginning to lose a bit of steam and I felt it would be basically a lot of long-drawn out "more of the same" for not that much gain. I was starting to find I was delaying playing to do basically nothing, because I am sufficiently neurotic to not want to just call it without finishing, but wouldn't let myself play anything else (again!) until I did finish, so I decided tonight that as all I had left was the mega-bosses and the end game, I'd just do it. (SoT is so good, I would seriously consider carting Vatnir to all the megabosses along with Xoti, just to keep the redunacy!) On that front, the ending choice was... Yeah. My Watcher had trying to be all LG the whole way through, and I would probably have sided with the Huana. Except that a) meant blowing up people and b) much more importanly, meant I lost Maia from the party. I had written off the Valians and the pirates as a matter of course. Of course, the Rauatai cause you to lose two party members (admittedly, Pallegina was no great loss, since despite my efforts, she remained the only one only at affection level 1). And to kill the Queen, who I also liked. So, in my "ah frack it, let's just do it" I went with "go to Rautai, refure to assassinate" wondering if that would get me around Maia leaving or something, but it locked off the palace anyway. So I went off by myself, my Watcher at this point thoroughly sick of shouting over everyone else. (I'll be honest, Eothas being shockingly reasonable at Magran's Teeth (which I did as late as I could, so only with SSS left to do) and with current political events in my home country the UK of late, I was kind of agreeing with him on some points, and Woedica on others, though my Watcher wouldn't...) So, yeah, I got a fairly ropey ending[1], but my (as opposed to my Watcher) was a bit more "frack 'em!" at this point. (Especially as I realised I was actually kind of trying to delay making the decision by not playing...!) I, of course, made sure I kept a save before comitting to the faction-choice quest, so I could always go back and deal with the Mega-bosses and do the Rauatai ending (since I now have a full experience (rather than just internet scuttlebutt) on how pants-y the ending was. (I also might have been more inclined to take a shot at Eothas...!) So, yes, I am overall pleased with the game, like I was with the first one. Playing it this late meant a relatively bug-free experience (only a couple spring to mind.) I would definitely be up for a PoE3, or something else set in Eora (I really want to see the Living Lands!) - though I draw the line at action RPGs and shooters (Outer Worlds isn't doing anything for me), mostly, so I'd opt for the former (RTwP or TBS or both). ... ... ... By-the-by, OBS, I am totally cribbing the Mega-Boss music on loop for the final boss battle when I run the TT Rolemaster quest for my 40th birthday next month (I'm wrapping up a party that has been around for the better part of if not actually a quarter century) . That should really get my players bricking themselves all proper-like! (As they should, they'll be fighting a 50th level Ninja Dragon Lich...!) [1]In terms of consquence only. It terms of presentation and closure, I have absolutely no quarrels what-so-ever, there was enough wrap-up there to satisfy me!
    1 point
  9. Playing SOMA. Great stuff. I really love the premise.
    1 point
  10. You are right, it doesn't get listed. I just made a quick console-test for you with Tanglefoot (Druid lvl 1 spell which has a pulsing Hobble effect) and I can report that despite the absence of "Shatteres Chains" on the list of active effects you will be resistant to Dexterity afflictions. As soon as the Hobble affliction hits it will get removed. You can also see when that happens: above the head of your char a message will pop up like so: Hobbled). Tl;dr: it works!
    1 point
  11. Checked up a few reviews for BL3. Not that I was going to install the Epic launcher anyway, just to satisfy my curiosity. Mechanically similar to BL2, but without the story and Handsome Jack as the main antagonist. The latter is going to be a tough act to follow in any case, Handsome Jack being my favourite villain in any game so far Oh, and buggy as hell was something people seemed to agree on. So, still having a lot of fun playing Guild Wars 2. I finally managed to complete my first legendary weapon My very own Quaggan in a bowl https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shooshadoo When not playing GW2, I have a go at the old EU III (I have IV too, but never really got into it). Cheated outrageously, editing the original saved game and gave Byzantium a larger starting pool of manpower, gold and spies. Spies in particular are helpful, causing Cyprus, Rhodos, Kreta and what's their name the islands east of Athens to defect from the despicable Venetians to me. Building up mercenary forces, naval superiority too, meant I could fight the Ottomans in Europe while their army was in eastern Anatolia fighting the Timurids (and cutting off their ability to reinforce their position in Greece). I've managed to change my technology to 'Western'. Trying to reach a point where I can also change unit types to 'Western' Also trying out Monster Hunter World. I find it boring and uninteresting as a single player game, but the team missions with friends are fun
    1 point
  12. striking thing is the inspector general who deemed the complaint to meet the legal threshold of 'urgent concern' was himself appointed by the president says here ... that legal threshold requires '[a] serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to...an intelligence activity involving classified information' so can't just be about Siberian forest fires or 'normalizing relations' with Russia ... more likely the dude promised to out the spy working for us in the Kremlin also I don't have any tattoos, but if I did, I would want the essence of Barry Berke's demeanor in the face of abject stonewalling disdain
    1 point
  13. I grew up on this song, my grandpa (God rest his soul) used to play it all the time. Still amazing.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I'm playing "remember my username and passwords for all those launchers, so I can connect them to GOG Galaxy 2.0"
    1 point
  16. Good thing about being a Warlock or Paladin, you get one for free
    1 point
  17. if any arguable authority figure does something vol don't like, is getting the nazi label. nazi is vol's board kink. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. ^ I guess you can have party members now, and one of them is this hostess names Saeko who fights by hitting enemies with her handbag. I hope that you can outfit your party members with gear. I want to get Saeko a handbag with a brick in it. Also, I hope she has a special attack where she puts her cigarette out on an enemy's face.
    1 point
  19. GOG updated Galaxy 2.0. Now you can manually add games to the launcher.
    1 point
  20. I would really, really appreciate anyone who could give the watercolor/crop treatment to these portraits. I like my sexy looking Pale Elf males. Especially the second one.
    1 point
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