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  1. Multiple reasons. He starred in few franchises that are highly regarded and have passionate fans. Also: https://imgur.com/gallery/qt2Dz
    4 points
  2. The "new" guy also debates with Gromnir, then tells him he must be fun at parties. Actual new guys annoyed by Gromnir wonder what the hell is going on with his posting style.
    4 points
  3. Yeah, but while they rationalized it away, my brain kept going "optimization for controllers". Presence + Dominate for Ventrue could be somewhat redundant mechanically -- even if they were needed for leading from the front as they were known to do. But taking Presence away for Brujah for instance is kinda crippling and I fear it may severely restrict the Clan's playstyle. Guess we'll have to wait and see, but I honestly can't think of a single game that benefited from having its design constrained by the need to play with a controller.
    3 points
  4. Hey, we're talking about a company who actually named a game 'Divine Divinity'. Anything goes
    3 points
  5. it should be. more than any other US political office, Presidents get more credit and blame for their actions. trying hard and good intentions never helped carter or even george h.w. .and while the President has little direct impact on the economy until after they has left office or deep into a second term, they tend to get blame and credit disproportionate to actions. the thing is, other than small business owners and the ultra wealthy, the economy, in spite o' statistical overall strength, has not improved for trump voters in particular. tariffs and commercial farm deregulation has had devastating impact on family farmers, and the average manufacturing sector wage slave has seen 0 noteworthy improvement in actual disposable income since 2011. income disparity and debt is at all-time levels and 'mongst the folks suffering worst is trump loyalists. but again, try and fail 'cause o' opposition from opposing party or foreign powers or acts o' god has never been the salvation o' an unsuccessful President, and for a chief executive who had majorities in both houses for his first two years, trump's list o' accomplishments is historically anemic. nothing other than unilateral decisions and a hastily authored tax cut which did double the amount before estate tax would kick in, which no doubt is reason the guy working at the local mill is voting trump 2020. deep state? have mentioned this before, but pre-trump, pretty much every deep state conspiracy were intimate tied to eisenhower warnings o' the military-industrial complex. big business. oil. defense contractors. how the hell does the guy with the flowers become the face of deep state? trump and fox managed to sell fear to folks most afraid. sold stoopid conspiracies to people least educated. support for trump should be surprising. doesn't make sense in context o' US politics o' the last +6 decades. extreme polarization. complicit cable media. historic levels o' government distrust in spite o' absence o' major crisis. HA! Good Fun! ps there were a funny moment during the house judiciary committee circus today. matt gaetz asks john dean how he thinks a plan for universal health care should be paid. dean, confused by non-sequitur, asks for clarification. gaetz points out how as dean were testifying 'bout mueller report events he had no actual first hand knowledge, why should he not also testify 'bout universal health care... if only basis were nixon era experience, then what were the point o' dean's presence? dean kinda chuckles and mentions how nixon did have a plan for universal health care. widespread laughter ensues.
    3 points
  6. Keep right on interviewing. Got called out of the blue about running a refurbished tool store. May do it, am unsure. Our newer cat got bathed yesterday and likes being cleaner. My older cat is fearing for his life because he's next.
    3 points
  7. Romero and Paradox. So it'll be hugely late AND delivered piecemeal.
    2 points
  8. JUST before I read the helpful tips , I hired a cipher from the inn. So the monster group in front of that sub-level entranced was easily destroyed, GG. I also managed to level up my characters before going in /just 1 level but it was more than enough / BUT I THANK you all for the help !
    2 points
  9. Give us a signal if you are held prisoner Bruce
    2 points
  10. Maybe the three IS the subtitle. Baldur's Gate: 3 Oooo, enigmatic!
    2 points
  11. Ok By the way why is my post about steam in this thread? I am pretty sure that I posted it in the Deadfire Polishing Poll thread.
    2 points
  12. He is Johnny Mnemonic. Doesn't get more Cyberpunk than that in Hollywood.
    2 points
  13. Obviously, it's our (my in particular) oversight. Because "Plant" is the Druid keyword. We will release Trinkets Mod soon enough, which give a bunch of bonuses to Priests and Druids, based on keywords >>> even more versatility. However, Keywords Mod will also be adjusted. So don't worry - we'll give all our love to Priests
    2 points
  14. sorry to double but after Dark Phoenix we stopped by Stone and discovered a delightful staple reimagined the standard is a dead ringer ... put your nose in the imperial is exactly like as if you made it with wheat bread (curiously it says the Liberty Station location but we landed at the main one up here in the north)
    2 points
  15. I worry about my love of red wine... I completely read that as cork conference
    2 points
  16. Yeah, option 2 does indeed always seem to be the popular choice
    2 points
  17. we wish. for the past couple years we kinda put off a few business and home improvement projects figuring we would get to 'em once we retired. *chuckle* am knowing is serious first world problem, but we got a golf course lot, and it were only until a week after we retired that we noticed we have maybe five total feet o' space along back fence which affords us a golf course view. have let things grow a bit outta control, and landscaping is way down the list after repair/replace wood suffering dry rot and painting o' house as well as dealing with that f'ing pool table and bank o' america nonsense and... plan is that by thanksgiving our retirement may approach gd normal. and congrats to tn. doing something useful with your life which helps others. remember to take care o' yourself though. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. It's Grey Wind, coming back to avenge Robb and S8.
    1 point
  20. The gif is from about 2:29 on the E3 video. The Final Fantasy series has a lot of Science Fantasy in their stories; a big part of FFVII was set in a giant town with a lot of high tech (powered by magical doozits).
    1 point
  21. Pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 Collectors Edition. First time that I really preorder something, and first time I buy a real Collectors Edition.
    1 point
  22. That just affirms this is cursed, the body probably is still roaming... searching for it's head...
    1 point
  23. A perfect match then. Imagine selling the levels of a shooter as DLC. Daikatana would have raked in billions. Billions!
    1 point
  24. Jadzia and Bareil died on Worf and Kira respectively. On the other hand Rom and Leeta, Ezri and Julian and BLT with Not!Locarno did fine (as much as fine goes with B'elanna and Tom). Kira, Odo, Sisko and Yates were special cases that could be seen either way. Not sure where to put everything else that happened, e.g. that Picard/Vash fling, Data's one episode girlfriend Jenna, Wesley and Robin and whatever Geordi had with Christy Henshaw, or aborted/never resolved romance arcs (like Picard and Beverly, Deanna and Worf, Harry Kim and Seven, Janeway and Chakotay). Oh, damn. I forgot Kes out-evolving Neelix. Woops. That tilts the balance a bit. Ah crud.
    1 point
  25. Huge, Shaggy Head of 40000 Year Old Wolf.
    1 point
  26. Empire of Sin looks good, but I am out of Paradox hype, will wait for inevitable dlc 20
    1 point
  27. The mainstream won't agree, but for a weird reason I connect character faces and animations with such type of games. Deus Ex, the original Bloodlines, etc. all looked pretty much like this. Is a plus in my book.
    1 point
  28. Just found this gorgeous art the other day, anyone willing to give it a try? I'd love if someone gifted at photoshop could make a few alterations on the image as well, especially removing the things on the forehead, but if not, it's ok. EDIT: Ok, I tried it myself on a website similar to photoshop. Hopefully it looks ok! Here's the original one.
    1 point
  29. Not much. We are thinking about making CommunityPatch - Trinkets - a mod that will add several trinkets for priests and druids. Additionally I am looking at Haunting Chains suggestion for cipher (it's a bit tricky, and will require a lot of testing). As for items: - there were requests for "do something" with Crimson Helm. And I think it could have some synergy with Crimson Panoply and One Dozen Stood armors. - Bauble of the Fin: 3% -> 4%? - Blade Cascade proc (from Scordeo's Edge) could also have a limit of 3 attacks (in addition to 5s) IF (this is possible) and (there will be requests for that) And.. I think that's it. CommunityPatch (Extra) modifies only 2 items: Rakhan Field Boots: No Quarter can be used only on hostile targets now Shroud of the Phantasm: Mind Over Matter can trigger only from hostile attacks now
    1 point
  30. Its one of humanities fatal flaws. Weve been trying to dictate to one another since we crawled out of the surf. Everyone is born with perfect clarity of how someone else should act, but amazingly also has zero insight into their own behavior. Seriously though, its just another coping mechanism like alcohol / drugs / religion. It makes people feel "good".
    1 point
  31. In total 40(-somerhing)% of eligible voters didn't show up. No idea of demographics, swing states, or any impact of the VRA loss. It's funny because when you think about it in terms of actual votes, Trump was in 3rd place.
    1 point
  32. Re: Frermàs mes Canc Suolias - my understanding is that there is a Brand Enemy and Sworn Enemy version of it already in the game data that can be enabled via console. I would love it if the upgrades were unlocked. As far as economy of Zeal, it’s hard to beat FOD. Maybe if it auto hit it would feel better? Changing it to 1 zeal makes sense to me. No other subclass has the cost of their signature ability go up. If it were 1 zeal it would still be worse than many other subclasses, but at least it wouldn’t feel like you were being punished at the same time.
    1 point
  33. Since I moved to Cape Town I have started getting into drinking red wine, Im a neophyte but Im learning a lot Its very social here particularly around lunches and outings to all the wine farms
    1 point
  34. Strongly second Gromnir's advice above if you're still stuck. Buying two hirelings or even just one greatly eases the digsite section. And it costs very little gold. It's almost a must on PotD if you aren't cheesing.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Well, we also know what Swen has said in interviews, how that will translate to the final game is anyone's guess, of course, but it seems that he is trying to avoid BG3 being considered a direct successor, which is odd as they could have called it "BG: The White Dog" (I'm so witty it hurts), and gotten a free pass on that front, but for some as of yet unknown reason they chose not to do so and name it BG3 instead.
    1 point
  37. The new Borderlands 2 dlc is only free until July 9th so grab it while you can because it will cost you 15 bucks after that. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-09-the-leaked-borderlands-2-dlc-that-links-to-borderlands-3-can-now-be-downloaded-for-free
    1 point
  38. Pathfinder pretty much is 3rd Edition D&D with slightly different names and teamwork feats that may or may not work properly in the game. It's really best to look up decent feat combinations and if they even work as stated (much less work as intended), especially if you want to use the game's pre-built NPCs, since they're all average at the very best, outright terrible in some cases. Getting some value out of Valerie takes serious effort. Oh, and do yourself a favor and bring an alchemist along. Unless things were patched in the newer versions their bombs are ranged touch attacks that aren't affected by spell resistance. Those big scary monsters that show up every now and then that your normal characters can only hit when the stars align? Heh. Throw, boom, win. They even come with switchable damage types in case something's immune to your regular booms. Oh and sneak attacks are so easy to do that you can give anyone who ever attacks in melee a level (or two, or three) of Vivisectionist Alchemist or Rogue to take advantage of it. Those juicy level 20 capstone talents that look awesome? Yeah, most of them... pale compared to extra d6 or d8 on every attack.
    1 point
  39. I feel spending a turn to switch weapons is a fair trade. the point is fair - Grimoires can be swapped once per turn. Black Jacket should have the same system (?) - one free swap per turn. I see how completely free swapping might be a more direct translation in RtWP system, but I think the pacing makes the difference.
    1 point
  40. This is my biggest hype now, even bigger than Cyberpunk, but hell yeah, I’ll definatelly get both of them next year
    1 point
  41. But AoE2 DE has auto-reseeding farms. Auto. Reseeding. Farms.
    1 point
  42. Was looking at the Owlcat forums, and it turns out somebody made a turn-based mod for Kingmaker. Looks pretty decent from the video the creator posted. Needs Unity Mod Manager, but so do most Kingmaker mods, as far as I'm aware. Just thought somebody might be interested in it. I definitely plan to give a try at some point (I'd like to finish the game normally first, though. Hopefully the kingdom management is less terrible now in the EE.)
    1 point
  43. Anything melee or ranged + Beguiler is a bit of a waste in my opinion. Beguiler doesn't need weapon damage at all to gain focus and doesn't need weapons to deal damage. Since you can either attack with weapon or cast a power (not both at the same time) - and usually ciphers mainly only deal weapon damage to fill up focus... you get the idea. Of course Tactician/Cipher in general is tempting because Phantom Foes/Brilliant Tactician. But I would maybe either go with Ascendant (picking Tactical Barrage) or Soulblade. First one plays more like "phase a: melee, phase b: spam casts" while Soul Blade would just emphasize on the single target damage when needed. Beguiler can be played like "phase b: spam casts" nonstop due to his very powerful focus gain via low level deception spells (you get back a lot! more focus than you spend). I don't think that Unbroken/Trickster is more useful than a Herald (which is capable of doing the tanking and deliver all the needed healing passively and actively) but it is a nice build nonetheless. Check out Large Shield modal + Adept Evasion if you like to cast AoE spells onto your tank (who's surrounded by enemies). He will seldomly get even a scratch from your spells while the enemies will suffer. Instead of Priest of Magran/Lifegiver you could try a dual wielding Priest/Kind Wayfarer if it's damage+healing you are after. You'll lose some AoE capability though. How is Helwalker/Troubadour supposed to be played? Or in other words: what's the plan that turns him into your main damage dealer?
    1 point
  44. Can someone watercolor these one please?
    1 point
  45. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it. I never played the 1st one. My 1st time playing an RPG other than real life D&D
    1 point
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