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Patch Notes: 1.03

Darren Monahan


These are the patch notes for patch 1.03. This patch is now available on Steam, and will be available on GOG soon.



Note: We have hotfixed the problem with adventurer hall-created companions not being able to unlock doors or chests.


Second Note: We have also fixed an issue where people were unable to open certain doors due to the Fog of War.


"Big Ticket" Items

  • Bears and Cats can now be equipped with hats. This is most likely not a joke... but might be a joke.
  • Double-clicking to equip items was causing passive abilities to get removed from the character. This has been fixed and we were able to retroactively fix the problem for people that have already run into the issue. If you open your saved game in the latest patch, your characters will be repaired.
  • Fixed a problem where attributes on characters could permanently increase by equipping certain items. This will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue.
  • The crash in Raedric's Hold has been fixed.
  • Fixed the looping audio sounds that can occur if you play with minimized tooltips.
  • Previously Wizard summoned items could persist after the spell's duration. This has been fixed and it will also retroactively fix the problem in saved games that have characters with this issue.
  • The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We've included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you'll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher.


  • Added graphics setting to toggle antialiasing levels. This can improve performance on lower end machines when disabled.
  • Added pro tips to the Glossary.
  • Many new icons for items.
  • Added new voice set reactivity for lockpick, poison, enemy spotted in stealth, spell failure, death, immobilized, and completed task.
  • Added indicators on the loot screen when looting crafting and quest items.
  • Party can now use lockpicks that are in the Stash.
  • You can now cast AoEs on party member portraits and the spell will be targeted at the companion's location.


  • Monk unarmed attack buffed by 1 point at the top end.
  • Arbalest damage has been lowered.
  • Fast melee weapons do slightly more damage.
  • Slight bump to sabre damage.
  • Tuned down Mind Blades.
  • Tuned ranges of many Wizard spells to be higher.
  • Slicken spell is now a single hit AoE.
  • Chill Fog is now a friend or foe spell.
  • Curse of Blackened Sight is now foe only.
  • Changed reload speed multiplier from 2 to 1.2 for Sure-Handed Ila.
  • Fixed the price on Seal of Faith.
  • Adjusted price on figurines.
  • Adjusted price on rings.
  • Tuned up the Goldrot Chew.
  • Reduced the penalties for Bonded Grief.
  • Tuned up Bulwark of the Elements.
  • Modified attributes of companions and Itumaak.
  • Raised the bonus for having fewer than six party members from 5% per character under the limit to 10% per character under the limit.
  • Added cooldown to NPC Rogue's Escape ability usage so they won't use it back to back.
  • Rebalanced fight difficulty and spell selection for the Old Watcher.
  • Lowered the scale of the Defiance Bay reputation by 15%.
  • Beloved Spirits adds 0.4 Endurance to Ancient Memory instead of 2.
  • Changed duration of the Flagellant's Path defense penalty.
  • Adjustments to the Mantle of the Dying Boar.
  • Reduced the price of the Brighthollow Hearth and Courtyard Pool.
  • Heart of Fury will now apply to all damage types.
  • Tuned damage on Brilliant Radiance down.


  • Fixed issue with Wizard's summoned magical items getting stuck after save and load. Wizards will be restored to a proper state after loading a game.
  • Changed one of the fatigue status effects to not end with combat.
  • Fixed save game issues with spells and abilities that place down traps.
  • Fixed issue to prevent Ciphers from casting abilities without the required Focus.
  • Restored modal flag for Reckless Assault.
  • Set Transcendent Suffering to not be combat only.
  • Fixed duration issue with Plague of Insects.
  • Fixed companion audio triggers for some status effects.
  • Hunting Bows had the wrong speed descriptor. They are now listed as Fast.
  • Character Hit Autopause option should be working as intended.
  • You can now close the Grimoire and Chant UI with a hotkey.
  • Fixed issue with summoning magic items while unarmed.
  • Fixed delay issue on Knockdown.
  • Fixed a few issues with Dominate and Charm spells.
  • Fixed a bad item mod on the Ring of Protection.
  • Fixed issue with the Terrible weapon mod.
  • Changed bad data in ranger summons.
  • Made Takedown to be consistent with Knockdown.
  • Fixed multiplier on Blooded.
  • Summoned weapons will be removed when Spiritshifting.
  • Fixed issue with bouncing reflected melee attacks.
  • Party members will no longer switch to different weapons after being Charmed or Dominated.
  • Ancient Memory is now Ally only.
  • A summoned weapon will not unequip the grimoire.
  • Fixed Spellstriking mod.
  • Fixed trigger count issue with the Prone reduction mod.
  • DOT spells should clean up properly when combat ends.
  • Fixed Deflection +10 mod.
  • All Exhortations are now combat only.
  • Only play weapon ineffective VO if the attack is hostile.
  • Aggrandizing Radiance will now last until combat ends.
  • Holy Radiance is now combat only.
  • Carnage now works better.


  • Fixed issues with factions and super friend quests with Lady Webb's dialogue.
  • Adjusted trigger in front of the Salty Mast to fix a possible way to skip a required cutscene.
  • Fixed issue with the Winds of Steel quest line.
  • Fixed a trigger outside the First Fires Keep that could have been avoided.
  • Many fixes to music, audio, and VFX to a scene near the end of the game.
  • The prybar should now display the correct image in the Raedric's Hold moat scripted interaction.
  • Changed faction on the Hall of Warrior's containers.
  • Fixed scripted music for the forge knight combats in the keep.
  • Visual effects in the introduction cutscene should now be triggered properly.
  • Fixed conversation of the guards in Raedric's Hold to not repeat.
  • Added cape and armor to the loot for the Fampyr boss.
  • Fix to Osrya's starting timer not being attached to the trigger in the area.


  • Fixed sound issue when collapsing the tutorial UI.
  • Fixed issue with double clicking items to equip. This is a retroactive fix and will restore characters with proper stats.
  • Fixed issue where camping supplies were disappearing when added to Stash.
  • Cage Cursor setting should not turn off after loading a scene or cutscene and is now on by default.
  • Fixed cropping on a few portraits.
  • Fixed issue with highlighting dead bodies and containers in the fog of war.
  • Fixed item stacking issue that was stacking items inappropriately.
  • Reduced the intensity of the explored fog of war on the area map, and fixed an issue where the shadow layer was causing the area map to be darker than it should be.
  • Small UI updates to the journal screen.
  • Reworked the enchanting UI to work better with multiple lines.
  • Fixed UI sorting issue in store.
  • Fixed UI sorting in crafting menu.
  • Fixes to Capitular glyphs in end game slides.
  • Fixed issue with stronghold alert widgets not hiding properly.
  • Fixed an issue with weapon mods were incorrectly being displayed in some cases.
  • Drag select should work properly when starting the drag over an enemy.
  • Fixed a few issues with drag select and formation rotation causing issues when the mouse goes over UI elements.
  • Fixed some control issues with holding down keys.
  • Shot on the Run recovery value should be now displayed correctly.
  • Fixed issues to how the HUD fades out during conversations.
  • When the party receives or loses items, those log messages now go to both logs.
  • Cleaned up the character sheet formatting and made more items clickable.
  • Store item names can now take up two lines.
  • Spells now show DT bypass in the description.
  • Consumables now show per-Rest and per-Encounter usage limitations.

Other Fixes

  • Fixed stats issue with saving and loading on the same map where a companion is found. This is a retroactive fix and will restore companions and characters to the proper state.
  • Fixed issues with save games in Raedric's Hold, causing the game to not function correctly or freeze.
  • Ranger Animal Companions should not disappear anymore and broken animals will be restored after loading and saving the game.
  • Fixed possible issues with disappearing items and weapons.
  • Minor fixes to a few select voice over lines.
  • Fixed size issues with equipped capes on Godlike characters.
  • Changed Explorer achievement to check for 152 maps rather than 160.
  • Fixed many issues where combat would not end properly.
  • Updated credits with more backer names.
  • Updated paperdoll level up lighting.
  • Scripted music should now be restored properly after loading a game.
  • Updated Temple of Eothas render.
  • Fixed some rendering issues with Fog of War on some areas.
  • Fixed sounds on movie that plays near end of game.
  • Reduced antelope feet sliding.
  • Fixed issue with weapon caching causing issues when weapons are swapped.
  • Interstitial music no longer loops.
  • Fixed issue where party members could take damage in cutscenes.
  • Fixed voice cues during looting for full inventory.
  • Fixed transparency on ghost characters.
  • Fixed issues with cutscene pathfinding if the game's process is halted.
  • Fixed issue with Expert mode settings getting saved improperly.
  • Fixed issue where characters were not properly stopping at the last waypoint of their path.
  • Adjusted Skuldr scream vocals.
  • We now handle some edge cases in resolution management on some hardware configurations.
  • Fixed issue with the party member Knockout achievement not reporting the correct numbers.
  • Like 188


Recommended Comments

When will the patch be available for those that purchased it at Orgin?? I would really like to get out of the keep

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Is the patch fixes the bug in the quest "At all costs"? If you don't want to kill Verzano but protect it.

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Wow that is an IMPRESSIVE list for a first patch just 7-10 days post release...very nice...



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I still got my skeleton friends on every map I enter but you guys fixed a lot of things and I'm optimistic to see this fixed sooner or later as well.

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Don't forget the Wizard buff they made too: Tuned ranges of many Wizard spells to be higher.  -- Will be interesting to see how much this helps their their spells.

Yeah the mid/late game wizard should be very good but the early not worth i think. I have no idea what they did on Mind Blade so let wait and see.




As a matter of fact, wizards in PoE actually start off very strong, what with their fan of fire dealing 70+ damage, or their ability to use bows and suchlike.



Allow me to compare your PoE wizard with a BG1 AD&D wizard.

Your BG1 wizard starts with a grand total of 4 hp, 3 level 1 spells known, 2 casts per rest.

Your standard Magic Missile spell starts at a single missile dealing 1d4+1 damage.


At this rate, even a stray cat could kill you.

Although, if you were smart, you set his constitution at 16 so to be fair, your wizard would actually have 6hp , that's a 50% increase.

With a whopping six hit points I'm not sure a cat would be able to kill you outright... a dog now... I wouldn't hold my breath bro, hope you're good with that sling !


Your level 1 wizard can get killed in the first minute of BG1, when you enter a house just to be assaulted by an assassin and his trusty dagger.

A dagger deals 1d4 damage + the strength modifier.

Just the one unlucky crit (1/20 chance) or regular hit that does 4 damage (1/4 chance, discounting any STR bonus) and you're restarting the game.


That is how a weak wizard starts, not with spells that :

- can crit

- can slow the attack rate of a whole group

- can deal over 70 damage as an AoE



So my friend, we will have to agree to disagree here.


Wizards start off very, very, very strong in PoE when compared to a whole array of DnD games (BG series, IWD series, NWN series...), in my opinion.


I'm not sure why u talk about Baldur's gate when Baldur'sd gate have DnD Rules and the system they employ here is not based on DnD rule but it's their own rule set. It's heavily based on timing, control and interrupts + disengage. Also, i'm playing Path of the Damned and never you will do 70 dmg ( even on crit ) with Fan of Flame.If the mobs attack youre wizard ( you pause and click away to run ) (because you don't want him to tank) and Boom he die because the disengage killed him . In Baldur's gate you're weak mage can run if he want to. You have to Agree or Disagree here.




Wow... just chill.

There is no reason to be aggressive here, we're having a calm discussion over the pros and cons of wizards in the early game, and whether they're "weak" or not ;)



First, prior to posting yesterday, I ran a test on PotD and hit with FoF for 62 damage, hit, not crit.

I'm not sure where you're getting your "you'll never crit for 70!" from, but obviously you're half correct, I won't crit for 70, I'll crit for even more.



Second, I'm offering you a comparison with ADnD BG1 to show you perspective.

You find your wizard weak, I claim PoE wizards are in a much better starting position than we ever had them in the whole chain of IE games.



Third, I appreciate you giving an example of a situation where a wizard is weak : melee.

It'll come as no surprise that wizards aren't exactly built for melee, unless you focused on him being a war wizard, or battle mage, which certainly is viable in the game.


Now let's take a look at your problem "wizard in melee dies when trying to disengage", and break it down following the chain of events :

1/ wizard is in melee

2/ wizard tries to disengage

3/ wizard gets hit and dies


Regarding event one, if you've understood your wizard shouldn't be in melee, perhaps you should pay more attention to your positioning, and how your frontline protects your casters.


I understand that some monsters do not offer you much of a choice vis à vis positioning, like Shades.

It's a mechanic we must all deal with, and if you're playing on PotD you're supposedly looking for a challenge, here's your challenge :p



Regarding event two, there are several tools at your disposal to break engagement and move away safely, including but not limited to :

  • Knockdown from Eder
  • Paralyze from Mother + your wizard
  • Confuse from Mother + your wizard
  • Charm from Mother
  • Repulsing Seal from Durance
  • Slicken from your wizard
  • Dazzling Lights from your wizard


Failing these hard CCs, you can always improve your disengage chances by lowering your foe's accuracy :

  • Blind from Mother + your wizard + Hiravias
  • Chill Fog from your wizard
  • Sunless Grasp from your wizard


As a last resort, you can try to improve your wizard's survival chances before disengaging, to lower the damage received or avoid it altogether :

  • Woodskin from Hiravias
  • Armor of Faith from Durance
  • Wizard's Double from your own caster


And that's only quoting the early spells, of course, since we're debating the early game here.


My point is, there are many tools available to you to either get your wizard back to safety, or reduce the damage taken to prevent a KO.

And keep in mind that these tools are only necessary if by some mistake on your part (or a nasty ambush, or the fight mechanics), you find your wizard in melee.




Lastly, nobody has to "agree or disagree here", people are free to have different opinions, you're free to think wizards are underwhelming all you like, if I've still failed to convince you otherwise ;)


I hope I've been able to offer you some insight here, and that might change your views on the early levels of your dear character.


Enjoy your game, I've got to run, my Monk wants to get mauled by Lions on PotD -.-

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Mages are already powerfull, just use your priest well to save your mage, the mage just need the spell range fix.


if you played BG series or ANY d20 series you ill now what is a fu**** bad starting mage.


Amen to that.

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"Wow... just chill.

There is no reason to be aggressive here, we're having a calm discussion over the pros and cons of wizards in the early game, and whether they're "weak" or not"


As to the statement above:  My wizard is lvl 4, she only died twice thus far but I dont put her in the front of the party.  I also have a bow equiped so when she runs out of spells.  Wizards would be more effective if thier spells did not hit the party and I would use a better varity if I had that option(Ability to turn freindly fire off so the spells didnt hurt the party) but over all I find them fun. 

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Hm, I don't see this documented in the changes, but was AoE scaling for wizard spells supposed to be tuned down so much? My character is a wizard with 18 Int (19 with a magic item), Aloth has 15 Int (whoops, had him wearing the Diseased Yak Hat), and the size of their AoEs were very different prior to the patch (the red circle's radius was almost half that of Aloth's, while the overall radius of the entire spell was maybe 50% large, now they're almost the same with maybe 10% difference).

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I'm getting another patch at the time of this post. I had already updated to 1.3 and played (?)


Steam account

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could you get (send?) this patch to gog? steam players can be happy 12? hours and gog players must wait for something :(

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I finished this game two days ago, even with bugs I found it great and had a lot of fun.

I was thinking on start a new playthrough and now this patch appears, this will make my second playthrough even better than I thought, thanks Obsidian for your hard work at fixing and balancing this awesome game.

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1.03 - 800'ish MB yesterday, and today another 500'ish MB... same patch?

After I agreed to talk to Kolsc, I had a change of mind, and decided to slay Raedric - but Kolsc didn't march in, neither can I find Kolsc anywhere at Magran's Fork, I only got the journal updated upon arrival, then... nothing. Is this a glitch in the script? Or is it me missing something?

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Well - I´m still having the problem that I´m not able to leave the 5th level of Od Nua cause I have an immortal but non-existent summoned creature via an item I found earlier in the game (it´s a horn). Cause of that the game says everytime I shall gather my party - which is impossible to do. Therefore it´s impossible for me to go on playing.

Please fix this bug, cause it´s game-breaking and I don´t want to restart the whole game.

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