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What you did today


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I see what you did there. Helle is so not hot, and this is not something as crude as simple ageism talking, but let me propose the prom queen of the 2011 election Johanne Schmidt Nielsen from the so far off to the left we will never get anything passed party.




Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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So, the other day I was at a party and had the opportunity to drink a lot of Swedish beer traditionally seasoned with bog myrtle. Great stuff!

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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Upon careful viewership of the Superbowl, I conclude that:

(1) 'Illegal huddle' is the best sports regulation ever.

(2) Madonna is pretty much like a K-pop performer, just with worse taste.

(3) There seems to be an untapped market in Sumo: American Footballers edition.


Especially loved the fat black dude wearing a Bismarck costume and a glowing silver bucket.

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I've been on the road for a while. I was in Jackson MS for work then Amarillo TX on business (yes there is a difference). Next week I get to continue my tour of dried up southern boom towns in Shreveport LA. Anyway what the heck happeed to the boad? I'm gone for a while and you guys change everything. I guess it takes some getting used to.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Well... Saturday I signed the lease for a townhouse that sets me up to move in May 1.


And today i learned that my current store manager is quitting. Not sure who's taking his place.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Congrats on the new place!

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Gratz on the new place, and enjoy the housewarming.. However you decide to do it.


Trying to figure out how aware I am right at the moment. I think I managed about 2 hours sleep, possibly 3. Something woke me up in the wee small hours of the morning and I never managed to get back to sleep..


I have to admit, it's one of those things I find interesting. If I only get around 6 hours sleep, but have something specific to be up for, I can be jumping out on the dot, aware and active, feeling all fresh to go. If I don't have anything in specific to be up for and get around 8 hours sleep, I'm dozy and slow to wake... But if I only get 3 hours sleep I'm just Meh. Which is actually quite expected...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Finally getting progress done in the office and we're going to lose someone. Increased workload for everyone and we're going to fall behind again. Will she be replaced, doubtful.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Finally getting progress done in the office and we're going to lose someone. Increased workload for everyone and we're going to fall behind again. Will she be replaced, doubtful.


Ah that old classic from management: "I'm too bad at my job to understand what people do for the business but I do know how much they cost the business. Fire away!"

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Discovering that lately I enjoy being not-plugged in, so to speak, a lot more than I enjoy being plugged in. Most days I don't even turn the PC on....

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Was trying to get a grip on my CV. Had a friend of the family who's husband passed away ask me to look at some tech issues she was having. All the paperwork on the home pc, her router and broadband are under her husbands name and files. And of course not all passwords for it could be found. Throw in a router that says its connected to her adsl line fine but has no internet access...


Hm, and found out that my classic Crombie Great Coat is in need of some repair. The stitching at the back of the collar has given way .. Now while I could try some home repair, it's a damn good quality coat, so I think I shall have to take it to a professional to be on the safe side.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Last night I had a tough parenting situation.


I took my daughter to a basketball game, where she was going to do a routine with some other girls at halftime. She is almost 5. Saturday she went to a camp to learn the routine, her grandmother actually bought her an outfit for it.


Right before the performance, she runs up to me and says she is too shy to perform. I try to convince her to give it a try, and her friends are all going out on the floor. Then she started saying she was hungry. Now it was very frustrating to hear that, since I had spent and hour before the game trying to get her to eat more food and she wouldn't. So I told her I would get her something at the snack shack after the performance. She started to have a meltdown. At this point the performance was almost over, so I told her we were leaving. She continued to meltdown, so I picked her up and carried her out (all while holding my 2-year old son.)


On the way home I told her I was disappointed, that we came out to watch her. Eventually she apologized, but I told her she was still going to bed when we got home. I gave her something to eat and then helped her to bed.


It's a weird situation though. I'm not sure how to handle it exactly. This isn't the first time she has done this before a performance, she does the same thing for her dance classes when it is recital time. I don't want to be the parent that just lets my kid off the hook for this stuff, constantly giving positive affirmations even when they are undeserved. But I don't necessarily want to be the Tiger Mom who uses derision and contempt unless my child gets full marks on everything.


So a bit of a rough night, hopefully I can find a decent middle ground here as a parent.

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I can't advise you as a parent, Hurlshot, and even if I could I wouldn't regard myself as superior.


However, as a manager I'd advise you to look at building up the subordinate 'building blocks' of the functioning behaviour. Make her stronger, give her more motivation to complete, positively enable prior through a prep (but don't prep by doing the actual performance, do skills affirmation). I'd also consider whether it's her thing to be performing at all. It's not in everyone's character to want to go out and get public applause or derision, and sometimes it's simply because a person knows they have all the interest, care and support they need already. :)


EDIT: also, as an amateur actor and singer I'd particularly single out the pre-prep. Do stretches or vocal exercises beforehand to prove you've got the chops to do the full show. BUt don't do the full show, because then you'll get complacent.

Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'd also consider whether it's her thing to be performing at all. It's not in everyone's character to want to go out and get public applause or derision, and sometimes it's simply because a person knows they have all the interest, care and support they need already. :)



That's a very good point, and one I've talked with my wife about. I just want her to be aware of this a bit more, so that I don't drive the whole family out to see her and then she decides not to perform. It's also a question of money, should we shell out for dance classes when she doesn't ever perform? I'm not sure.


I'll have to think on it a bit, but thanks for the feedback. You guys are my sound board :)

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Hey everyone I'm going to be gone from the board for a time. Everything is ok, but I've got an opportunity to do some work in a very, lets say unusual place. Somewhere where internet connectivity figures to be hard to find. I'll be able to tell the whole story when I get back. Until then all of you be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do!

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Hey everyone I'm going to be gone from the board for a time. Everything is ok, but I've got an opportunity to do some work in a very, lets say unusual place. Somewhere where internet connectivity figures to be hard to find. I'll be able to tell the whole story when I get back. Until then all of you be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do!


Good luck in Antarctica!


Actually I bet the wifi is good in Antarctica, not too many people eating up bandwidth. Take care wherever you are going!

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Hey everyone I'm going to be gone from the board for a time. Everything is ok, but I've got an opportunity to do some work in a very, lets say unusual place. Somewhere where internet connectivity figures to be hard to find. I'll be able to tell the whole story when I get back. Until then all of you be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do!


Good luck in Antarctica!


Actually I bet the wifi is good in Antarctica, not too many people eating up bandwidth. Take care wherever you are going!



My thoughts exacly. The Russians are currently in the lead last I read up on the under-ice lake exploration.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It's my firm belief that I am completely ill equipped to advise on romantic and parenting matters, Hurlshot, but purely from my own experiences with childhood, I think the one thing that is a danger is the daughter getting used to the possibility of getting a bail-out - in some cases, so that the kids start to learn that is something they can engineer, though it's not always that cynical. I think it's important for the reality of the challenge to stay firm.


Of course, the super difficult question is when to decide your kid is not a performance/whatever type of kid, or when to persevere. My parents were pretty hands-off (yes, despite being Asian) and I sort of regret that now, because it's actually one of the great advantages of being a kid that you get pushed to do things you suck at, until you get used to it.

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